How To Become A Productivity Jedi By Using The Force

Have you noticed how time just seems to fly on some days, yet the very next day it seems to drip like honey?

Ever felt that roller coaster ride of emotions, when you are working on a creative, or entrepreneurial project? One day it feels like you can conquer the world, but the next day all you can do is curl up under your blankets and wish that everyone just left you alone.

I have had my share of these ups and downs, and I’ve always wondered why this happens.

Maybe, it is an indispensable part of this crazy, nomadic lifestyle that I’ve chosen. Perhaps, it’s just how I’m wired. But when the low days became more frequent and started to interfere with my productivity and life, I knew I had to dig deeper. I have chosen this lifestyle, so it’s on me to discover the secrets that make me happy, healthy, and productive.

I think I found the secret that makes me tick, and may just help you unlock your superpowers too.

Created equal all hours are not

That’s the first lesson you must learn, young padawan. You may think that one hour is the same as all the others, but they are not. For example, every minute ticks by like an hour when you are waiting for your turn at the DMV office, yet when you sit down with your favorite book half the day is gone before you realize it.

The same principle applies to all the tasks I do.

No wonder checking email first thing in the morning can swallow up my whole day.

Once I realized that I was most productive between breakfast and lunch, I started doing more important things. Instead of diving straight into my inbox, I started journaling and meditating. And suddenly, I was getting more things done than I had ever before!

It seemed I had got a handle on the whole time management thing. I could schedule the important tasks during my most productive hours, and could take care of the smaller stuff, like email and research, when my productivity was at its lowest. I felt like I was a master of productivity.

But lurking in the shadows was a big problem.

Some days I just couldn’t find the motivation to do anything. Even stepping out of the house felt like dragging a pile of junk metal through the desert.

I was confused, and a little pissed off. I thought I was a master of productivity, but the tally of unproductive days just kept stacking up.

Productivity Secrets Of The Droids

Annoyed by my decaying powers of productivity, I set off on a quest to discover the secret that continued to elude me. I started devouring articles and books on productivity in the hopes of finding it, and that’s when I came across this little nugget, Manage your energy, not your time.

Hand holding an incandescent light bulb on blue background.

Could I use energy to be more productive? Holy s**t, was it an eye opener!

If you think about it, even time management is just a form of energy management. Why hadn’t I realized this before?

You know that feeling after you’ve had your morning cup of green tea (or coffee, if that’s your thing)? Like you are on top of the world, and anything is possible? That’s energy flowing through you.

The feeling you get after a refreshing evening walk by the river? Yes, that’s energy too.

I realized that doing my best depends not just on the time of the day, but also my energy level. That’s why I just couldn’t do my best on some days, no matter how hard I tried.

My productivity was directly related to the quality of time that I put into the tasks I did. I noticed that higher energy levels led to better time quality, which resulted in increased productivity. For example, if I was learning Mandarin at 11:00 am on Wednesday and could remember 20 new words at the end of the session, compared to only ten new words on Monday, it meant that my energy had been lower on Monday. Even though I spent the same 1 hour, at the same time of the day, I was more productive on Wednesday because of the higher time quality.

But the real secret of energy management is — unlike time, energy levels can be replenished throughout the day.

That would explain how the droids keep at it all the time, wouldn’t it? They seem to deal with everything thrown their way with a calm demeanor. No panicking, no fretting. Always solid, reliable, and productive.

Like the droids, I can replenish my energy levels through self-care — eight hours of sleep, 30 minutes of exercise a day, healthy green salads and smoothies. As long as I’m mindfully taking care of my energy levels, I can stay productive throughout the day.

But a droid is not a Jedi master, and I needed to find something more powerful to become one.

I need a lightsaber to become a Jedi master

A lightsaber requires a crystal to focus the energy, so I needed to find that little something to help me focus all the energy that I now had access to. And I think I found it.

Juicy red tomato with water droplets

Yes, it’s a tomato. But not just any tomato, it’s an Italian tomato. A Pomodoro.

If you have spent any amount of time learning about productivity, I’m sure you have heard of the Pomodoro technique. It’s a simple concept, “work for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break”, and in its simplicity lies great power.

I know that I do my best work in the morning, so the time quality is higher closer to breakfast, but my energy levels get depleted as I get closer to lunch. That’s where the Pomodoro technique helps me replenish my energy levels and maintain an even keel. Instead of tackling a huge block of 2 hours of uninterrupted work, I schedule 4 Pomodoro sessions, with a longer 15-20 minute break after the four sessions.

So, it looks a little like this:

Magenta Dry-Erase board with 16 Pomodoros and breaks

It might not seem like much, but the small 5 minute breaks are enough to replenish my energy level before I tackle the next 25 minutes of work. And the longer 15-20 minute break raises my energy sufficiently to keep working for the next set of 4 Pomodoros.

The key here is to take mindful breaks and do something that replenishes your energy. No, scrolling down your Facebook feed doesn’t count. Anything that takes your eyes and mind off the computer screen or gets you moving should suffice.

For the 5-minute breaks, I like getting up and stretching, or drinking a glass of water, or simply closing my eyes and practicing deep breaths. For the 15 minute break, I might choose a small healthy snack or go for a short walk. These activities give me a break from the laptop screen and recharge for my next plunge into work.

By scheduling my productive hours in the form of these Pomodoro sessions, I managed to get more work done in a day than I would have believed possible. By replenishing my energy levels throughout the day, I make sure that by the time I go to bed, I am not completely worn out. Leaving a little in the tank helps me wake up much more refreshed after a good night’s rest.

Finally, I had learned to use my energy (a.k.a., the force), and focused it into a formidable lightsaber of getting sh*t done. I had finally discovered the secret to becoming a productivity Jedi.

It’s your turn, young padawan

Your energy is completely in your control. You can use it, change it, and replenish it whenever you want. Keeping your energy levels up is the real secret to being productive. And just like the force, you can train yourself to wield it more effectively.

Your first step on the journey to becoming a productivity Jedi starts with finding your high and low energy hours throughout the day, and identify the source of it.

All it takes is an app like Evernote, or a simple notepad and just checking in with yourself 3-5 times a day about how energetic you are feeling. I know the challenges you face because I have faced them myself. So to help get you started, I have created a simple worksheet that you can download to your smartphone or laptop that will help you keep track of your energy throughout the day.

You can download your Energy Tracking worksheet by clicking here.

It’s time for you to start training to become a Jedi, young padawan.

May the force be with you.


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